Sunday, August 17, 2008

Oslo new opera house

The new opera house is really fantastic, the white architecture is simply splendid and the "open" concept of letting people walk all around the building, even on the roof, is simply genius - so is the various surfaces on the marble and the "digital" impression on the top "curtain" tower:

No wonder this amazing architecture is about to be the no 1 tourist attraction in Oslo:

Friday, August 1, 2008


Finally I have managed to upgrade my Lego Mindstorms Robotics to NXT - and it is really worth it, new excitng sensors and a complete new programming platform. Folllowing is my latest contraption, based on the Lego TriBot, but extended with the capability of finding the ball on its own:

Løgner og arsenikk

Fra i dag kan boka kjøpes i hvilken som helst bokhandel og bokhandel på nett: